Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s 'Katamarayudu' was sold at whopping prices in all areas in the twin Telugu states and in overseas. While the movie’s collections are average in the two Telugu states, the movie seems to be struggling hard at the overseas box-office. Even though 'Katamarayudu' has entered into the one million dollar club in the US by grossing close to 6.70 crores so far, the movie has to collect huge to land its buyers into profits.
'Katamarayudu' film's overseas rights were sold for a whopping 11.50 crores and another 50 lakhs were spent on promotions, making it a 12 crore investment approximately. The film being an out and out mass entertainer with too little to offer for the family audience in overseas and the initial mixed reviews are the main reasons behind the US audience not rushing to watch the film in huge numbers. With the weekend coming to an end, the movie may hardly collect another 1.50 to 2 crores in the coming weeks and the buyers are staring at huge losses unless a miracle steers the catastrophe away.
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