Megastar Chiranjeevi’s prestigious comeback film, Khaidi No.150, released on January 11th as a Sankranthi treat for millions of euphoric Mega fans who patiently waited almost 8 years to revisit Chiru’s fireworks on the silver screen, is completing 50 days run today and the grand functions have been planned by mega fans across the Telugu states in various centers.
The film completes its 50-day run in 53 centres across the twin Telugu states and fans couldn’t be more happier. In its grand theatrical run, Khaidi No.150 has collected more than 105 crore share worldwide, becoming Tollywood’s biggest grosser of Tollywood next to 'Baahubali'.
The PR team of 'Khaidi Number 150' released above poster on its 50th day which has ultra-modern super stylish poses of Chiranjeevi and Mega Power Star Ram Charan. Incidentally, both of them appear like brothers but not as a father and a son. As such, the poster impressed the movie lovers.
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